National Bakery & Deli

Valley Cooperative Association Member

I can pick up the phone and get a hold of Valley’s CEO directly!

“We have a great relationship with Valley, you know it is so nice when you can pick up the phone and get ahold of an officer even the CEO with a question or a concern and I think being kind of a big company like they are it is nice to have that personal touch with everyone at Valley. They’ve been a great resource for us. You know we’ve contacted them several times trying to secure ingredients just technical baking questions that some of our bakers might have and you know also I love their delivery, it is like clockwork. Every Tuesday and Friday the trucks come. The drivers are fantastic. They are helpful, pleasant, they’ll put stuff in different locations if you want them to. I like that consistency with the drivers. Networking among the bakers and other bakeries has been a huge thing for us. To pick up the phone and call somebody else who might be going through the same issues we have. And also, Valley has dividend programs and rebates and a lot of different things. And also, the technical part of it too that you can pick up the phone and talk to someone who is a little more experienced than you are. I think that makes a huge difference too and I would recommend everyone in the bakery world to be a part of it.”

Are you a baker like Jeff who not only needs a supplier but someone who knows your business inside and out and can go above and beyond the purchase process? Someone who can connect you to a network of other bakers that can collaborate with you on technical issues. Then Valley is the partner for you! Click here to contact us today.