“My father was approached in the early 50’s by Valley with the concept of a co-op owned by bakers. To benefit the bakers, they would specialize in ingredients and services that my father couldn’t find in other places. He liked the idea and became a member, and we are still a member today. We have a unique relationship with Valley up until the 1980’s we primarily just bought ingredients from them but in the mid 80’s we started selling them our product as well when we started manufacturing frozen dough. We partner with Valley to distribute our products, and our relationship has grown from there. They are amazing partners. They work with us. It is very even handed and the benefits are amazing.”
- John J., Owner, Johnston’s Bakery
Valley has been truly fortunate to work with Johnston’s Bakery for many decades and with multiple generations of Johnston family members. If you are looking for a true partner who will be in it with you for the long haul, then look no further than Valley! Click here to contact us today.